Joshua Earle via Unsplash

Stop Thinking, Start Doing

Jake Peters
Starting Up


Yesterday I bumped into someone I used to work with 8 years ago. He’s an awesome guy, very much a people person. A lot of potential. And yet still working in the same place after 8 years.

I wondered why. I asked him if he was planning on moving on. He was. He’s just waiting for his girlfriend to move in with him. Then for things to settle down. Then he’ll start thinking about what to do with his life.

In that moment it struck me we’re all kinda like that. In one way or another we’re all waiting for something before we do something else.

At the moment I’m waiting a reasonable amount of time before visiting Canada again, so I don’t annoy the border agents.

I’m waiting a while until dinner so I don’t get fat(ter).

I’m waiting for the summer holidays to be over so I can travel further, cheaper.

I’m waiting until I have more time / less work so I can start working on some super cool projects I have planned.

We all seem to be in a constant state of waiting when we should actually be doing.

You’re probably guilty of it too. Saying you’ll do it tomorrow. Or even worse, you can’t do it now because of x, y and z.

They’re all excuses. Excuses make you weak.

Instead, try actually doing the thing you want to do. There’s always a way to make it happen. Whatever it is.

For me it’s making my startup a success. It’s already good, but I want to make it great. I want to help startups help their customers better, and this is the first step. Right now that’s my main focus.

I’ve been waiting for our content to pick up. For our ads to bring in more leads. For the stars to align. But I need to just get on with it and talk to more people.

It’ll happen, but only if I commit 110%. I’m barely scraping 80% right now.

The reality is, I can do a lot more now. And not doing so is why we’re not growing as fast as I’d like.

Sometimes thinking about things is the worst. It stops you doing, and stops you from getting to a position where you can do.

So get started now. Tick off the item that’s been sitting on your to-do list forever. Go on that trip you’ve been dreaming about. Send that sales email you’ve been putting off all week.

Start doing more, today.

I’m just a guy from the UK that’s okay at writing, better at startups, awesome at making coffee.

This is day 50 in a 365 day writing experiment. You can check out why I’m writing every day here.

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Co-CEO @HelpDocs (we’re hiring!). I live in hotels full-time and eat 6–12 meals/week. Queer, nonbinary, they/them. 💻 🍳 🏡 🏳️‍🌈 ✈️